What the Shine family thinks…

Shine is like a massive family. It is a happy, safe environment which champions each individual to be them self.
— Luke, age 16
All the ballet teachers are just lovely to me and we do awesome shows, they’re the best shows in the world I think.
— Indie, age 6
I love Shine because the teaching is so encouraging and helps my dancing so much. It is a lovely environment, teachers and students and I couldn’t be anywhere else!
— Harriet, age 13
Going to Shine always makes me feel so happy and joyful and I enjoy dancing here so much. I’ve also met a lot of encouraging friends!
— Phoebe, age 8
I love Shine because they’re always very encouraging and when you make mistakes, they never tell you you’ve been bad but always help you. It’s so much fun and enjoy it a lot.
— Inara, age 8

Musical theatre has made my daughter so much more confident and it’s amazing to see just how confident she can be - she says ‘musical theatre is the best’.

The show was a wonderful experience for the youngest dancers, the older dancers were super duper amazing and made their first experience of being in a show so special. When I asked my daughter what she loved about the show, she said ‘it was amaaaaaazing!’ and that she loved all the skipping and singing!
— Danielle, parent of 5 year old